Saturday, May 18, 2024

OPINION: ‘Save us from ourselves,’ says Congress

by CHUCK MALLOY/Guest Opinion
| February 2, 2024 1:00 AM

Given the conservative nature of the Idaho Legislature, you’d think that a resolution calling for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution would sail through with flying colors.

Not so. There’s no dispute that federal spending is out of control, but there are several concerns surrounding a constitutional amendment. Is it possible, or even practical, to balance the federal budget? What would happen in the case of a national emergency — such as the 9/11 terrorist attack on America 23 years ago? Do we shut off aid to Israel and Ukraine because of lack of money? Do we say “sorry” to the agents battling immigration problems at the southern border, for lack of money?

Perhaps the biggest concern is what would happen if there were a constitutional convention. The fear is that it could open the door for anything, including tinkering with everything else in the Constitution, including the Second Amendment — the most sacred of cows in Idaho.

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