Friday, April 19, 2024

PF LEGION FLAGS: History should not be erased

| March 24, 2023 1:00 AM

As a lifelong student of history (including majoring in history at NIC), I was saddened to read that the Post Falls American Legion Post 143 removed several of their flags due to social media pressure from nameless sources, namely ones associated with the Civil War (1861-1865). They stated that the flags in question had been a part of their display since 2007 and it was their intention to display all flags associated with wars that are associated with America — “not just the wars we agree with.”

It is very disheartening to see the “erasing” of history that people don’t agree with. I’m sorry — but things have happened in our country (and our world) — both good and bad — and we should learn from our mistakes, not just try to erase the memory. Having the flag displayed doesn’t condone the action; it demonstrates that we understand our history and the sacrifices that people made on both sides of the conflict.

That Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars of internal conflict that the world has seen — brother fighting against brother. And for those who didn’t learn it in history class — the Civil War was about States Rights, not about slavery in general. My message to the American Legion — continue to display your flags of the wars America is associated with — consider it the “museum” of flags. Each flag tells a story about the conflict and the people who died because of it.

