Sunday, May 19, 2024

FAST FIVE: Jason Nye, CDAIDE guy

Staff Writer | April 13, 2024 1:00 AM

Meet Jason Nye, the executive director of CDAIDE, a nonprofit that provides support and resources for local workers in the restaurant and hospitality industries.

A Pacific Northwest native, Jason grew up north of Seattle at the tip of Lake Washington in Bothell. He spent his childhood playing in what was then forests and fields, but is now housing developments and pavement. After driving through on the way to Yellowstone with his family in 2017, he and his wife fell in love with Coeur d'Alene. It felt like his childhood, city set amongst the natural forests and lakes where there is a focus on family, community and greenspace. He and his wife decided then and there that this is where they would eventually move. That exciting date finally came in June of 2020, during the heart of the pandemic. They uprooted their then-three children and settled into this great community of Coeur d'Alene. Jason is a graduate of the University of Washington and spent most of his career in tech. He has recently found a passion for nonprofit work and is serving the hospitality workers of our community in his work with CDAIDE. Jason and his wife have four children now and spend a lot of their time working on their house. Jason's hobbies include sports, board games, video games, igloo camping and getting outdoors whenever he can. Jason grew up camping and hiking all over the North Cascades and likes to return there whenever he can. He and his family love Coeur d'Alene and North Idaho and are happy this is now their home.

1) How are things going with CDAIDE at this time?

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