Sunday, June 02, 2024

ELECTION: Support this superior slate

| May 17, 2024 1:00 AM

As a lifelong resident and someone who has been deeply ingrained in our community for over three decades, I’ve had the privilege of working alongside exceptional individuals who have dedicated themselves to bettering our community. These are the individuals who have tirelessly served in various capacities, contributing to our nonprofits, Chambers of Commerce, and economic and workforce development organizations. Their commitment and passion for our community’s welfare are unparalleled, making them the ideal candidates for Precinct Committeeman.

I proudly endorse the following candidates for Precinct Committeeman: David Patzer, Lisa Aitken, Chris Holloway, John Young, Jim Hammond, Russell Mann, Vicky Jo Carey, Kibbee Walton, Amy Boni, Ryan Davis, Pam Houser, Darin Hayes, Kathleen Tillman, Dan Gookin, Wendy Gabriel, Katie Hunt, Sid Smith, Britt Thurman, Mary Souza, Todd Tondee, Marc Steward, Joshua Dahlstrom, Suzanne Metzer, Michael Baker, Britt Towery, Susan Thilo, Randee Goodwin, Casey Morrisroe, Vic Holmes, Pete Broschet, Rand Wichman, Nancy Jones and Eric Knudtsen.

These individuals bring a wealth of experience, dedication and a proven track record of service to the table. They understand the intricate needs of our community and have demonstrated their ability to work collaboratively toward meaningful progress. I wholeheartedly believe that with their leadership, our community will continue to thrive and prosper. Vote for these committed candidates for a brighter future for all of us.


Coeur d’Alene